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150 150 Eva Vosdingh Bessem

What are entities?

Entity is the term used to cover non-human energy beings with varying levels of intelligence, that may deliberately attach themselves to humans.

They come in many forms of energy parasites that feed off the human energy field. They can attach themselves to the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual body.  They are attracted to low-vibrating emotions, such as anger, fear, shame, guilt, hate, aggression, etc., that the entity needs in order to feed itself.

The entity creates a vicious circle of emotional intensity, literally amplifying low-vibrating feelings within us that then sustain its existence. The effects of an entity will vary depending on how deeply the entity is embedded and what degree of low vibration it is holding.

If you are sensitive to energies you may get symptoms such as headaches when someone else comes into your space carrying an entity. Sometimes partners get as much benefit from a clearing as the person who carries the entity.