
If you would like to go to the core, quickly and effectively, I recommend a session with Eva!
Eva is a real professional. With her clear analysis she gets to the root of the problem in no-time.  After setting the objective for the journey, she effectively works her magic.
She does this with the utmost care, love and humor. 


I just wanted to let you know I feel so much more space after my session with you.
I feel all attachments are gone. I feel so much cleaner.
I’m really grateful for our session!


Eva helped me with a few lingering issues.
She did this with love, expertise, calmness and (most importantly:) with results.
Among other things, a lifelong sleeping problem has been solved.
For me it has been life changing: for the first time in my life I sleep through the nights.

I have agreed with myself that I will be regularly “freshened up” by Eva.
Especially where the regular system has no answer, Eva can really be the solution.


I was taken long ago by the combination of warmth and wisdom with which Eva helps on the journey back to the source. There is room for all the earthly and spiritual and together we investigate the journey of my soul that have brought me here, and will help me to continue. Eva is a star in pinpointing issues and stimulating (Self) insight. In addition, Eva is one of the sweetest, most interested people I know. She is full of beautiful philosophies and has tremendous life (s) experience.

Tanja Manders

Many years of sleeping problems with intense nightmares brought me to Eva. And that turned out to be exactly the right thing for me at the right time. After having tried many sessions and approaches elsewhere, I had accepted that the nightmares belonged to me. And then Eva came my way. After one session the nightmares were gone, really incredible! However, I did not yet feel rested and therefore I visited her twice. And now, more than half a year later, I can say that I still sleep much quieter. I feel incredibly grateful and can recommend a session with Eva to anyone. What really appeals to me in Eve’s approach is her ability to link the spiritual side to the earthly, because ultimately it must happen here on earth.

S. Caesmaeker

I have consulted Eva three times.
Her active listening and empathic attitude made me feel understood, helped and liberated. It has given me many new insights and has made my personal life lighter and richer.

During the sessions (live or by telephone) I notice Eva’s enormous knowledge and understanding of shamanism and the authentic consciousness and the interpretation of the issues that you bring yourself. She also places them in the actuality of and on planet earth and even broader than that.
She clearly tunes in on the points for discussion brought in, what it means and how you can deal with it. She explains them through her own experience of life.
Through her sessions she has helped me to break free from old relationships (family / ex-partners or friends), from trauma suffered in my current and past lives and she has taken me on the adventures that await me on my life path.
The way she does that is “magical”. Her drum, lyrics and voice are always a fascinating, enriching experience that transports you to another dimension.
Highly recommended for curious, spiritually minded people who want to deepen and clarify their personal growth and development.

Renée Heeren, januari 2021

I would like to share with you how I have been feeling the past two weeks. On Saturday and Sunday I felt hyper-aware and I was standing/flying like an angel. I immediately noticed that I have taken a step forward in my awareness, at this moment I observe external things much more and judge much less. As if I can surrender much more to the flow. Very nice.


Eva is a very warm, loving woman with whom I immediately felt at ease.
We have made several inner journeys together under the guidance of her drum.
The beautiful words she speaks and her singing made a deep impression on me.
Every journey has deepened myself, and I feel closer to myself than ever before. Really awaken.
If you need to deepen and feel the connection with yourself, I absolutely recommend going to Eva.
I am very grateful to her for everything.

Eva Brandriet

My experiences with Eva have always been very special! Eva is a very sweet, warm woman with whom I always feel at ease. With her presence she gives you the feeling that you are completely okay as you are. The sessions at Eva’s were super nice. During our talk I could tell her what I wanted to work on without having to go into depth. I experienced the sessions as very powerful. Eva spoke words during the drumming that felt like truth and touched me deeply from within. I experienced it as very pleasant, to work together on my issues.
After the sessions with Eva I felt much lighter and relieved. Undoubtedly important work is done during these sessions,  from which I can benefit for the rest of my life(s)! Thanks!

Mr. D. O.

A journey with Eva (no judgement, empathetic and safe) brought me into a past that I didn’t know, that I could not have reached without her and where there appeared to be a legacy that influenced me in my daily life and deprived me of a lot of energy. Entering that other dimension has proven to be utmost enriching and teaching, so now my energy can flow fully in the right direction again and I can go through life more strong and self-conscious. Feeling clean and light is the way I would express how I feel when I have been with her.
And when new ‘clutter’ comes again, I can always go back. Eva is a valuable enrichment in my life! I recommend this to everyone!


The session with you brought a major turnaround in me.
It is amazing how healing this was for me. My depression, I got out of it, I can go on again.
Thank you so much!


After eight years of heavy traumatic events, I got my life back on track. Still, a number of things kept me occupied, which kept me from really taking on my life again. Tired of worrying and looping thoughts leading nowhere. Well, my life looks pretty good on the outside, but my soul still feels bruised and confused … and that’s how I contacted Eva … As soon as she opened the door, there is a direct connection. I see a strong woman with a kind and warm vibration.

I shared with her my story and amazingly fast she has summarized a complete picture and got to the root of the pain. She tells me what she is going to work on and I surrender to her. During the ceremony, which she does while drumming, she journeys through my body. It was really a journey inside and I experience it as very pleasant. Eva talks and I travel along with her voice and the beat of the drum. I do not need to convince anyone or anything. Eva talks and I travel along … on my journey …

It is too complicated for me to explain exactly what it is she’s doing, but the result is that clogged up channels open again. I notice that I am taking a big step forward in my healing process. The grinding in circles is broken and new thinking patterns are created. I have managed to change things with my new fresh insights and that has improved my life a lot. I thank Eva for her loving guidance and the great result, which has brought me tremendous relief.

Judith Verheijen

One of the first things Eva said during the tea before the first session was: the journey we are going to make is a co-creation. What a relief!
This form of collaboration directly appealed to my full presence and appreciation of what I said.
I had just divorced after a 29-year relationship. In this process of letting go and rediscovering myself I encountered resistance, blockages, old patterns that prevented me from opening myself as a free person to what was going on. Eva came recommended by a good friend.

From the outset I enjoyed the broad perspective and the holistic approach from which Eva thinks and works. She went straight to the root of the cause of my complaints / symptoms to free up space and make way for the true source of my own being. With long lines through time and space. By making a shamanic journey with Eva, reality does not change (for example my divorce), but there’s a discharge of energy that was previously there. It feels much lighter, more space. Energy can flow again.

After an initial clearing of obstructive patterns and contracts attached to them, the second journey went to my pelvic area, to my womb, the center of creativity. I wanted to make a documentary about my life for a long time, but I was afraid. But there was more. I couldn’t understand why or on what I kept getting stuck. Combined with an enlightening dream, Eve broke the seal freeing my womb, the source of vital energy and creativity. During this session a lot happened in my pelvic area. And the conversation afterwards gave the insights and the awareness of what happened. I was dazzled when I stood outside. And, I felt more clear and present. Calmer too, descended into myself.

After my body, thoughts and emotions merged again into a harmonious whole, my creativity and decisiveness flowed tremendously. The film was made within six months. Not from the head (which I was so trapped in), but from my heart and from the creative power in my belly. In other words, from my authentic self.

A magical process that really leads to self-realization and expanded consciousness.
May many find their way to this wise and engaging Eve!

Sarah Marijnissen

I notice in the last few days that I feel more space within myself. And I am only now really feeling what the word authority means. Because that is indeed what it is. I feel that much stronger. And that is very nice. Because for a long time I had the idea that I had to drag along some part of myself that was always tired or working against me. And of course I still get tired, but it feels more like I can really do something about it myself now.

J. Westerbeek