Meet Eva

150 150 Eva Vosdingh Bessem

Hi, let’s introduce.

My name is Eva Vosdingh Bessem. I’m an empath and born clearcognizant (clear knowing). Like many, I started my life as was expected of me. I studied Communication and Multi Media in Amsterdam and hopped from Multi Nationals to NGO’s. Eventually worked as a free-lancer and founder of Project 76.  All great experiences but it wasn’t my passion.

More than ten years ago I entered the world of Shamanism once again, which felt like coming home. The deep memory that awakened, became a long journey of discovery. On this journey I got introduced to powerful plant medicines, endless ceremonies and met impressive shamans from all over the world. During my travels I was privileged to learn from different traditions including ayahuasca shamans, medicine women from Colombia and Ecuador, Kogi Indians, the Wixarika people (huicholes) from Mexico, Lakota chiefs from North America, Nepalese shamans, Bhutanese shamans, Kambo medicine and modern medicine women from Europe. I am extremely grateful for the abundance of knowledge, wisdom and experience that it has brought me.

That has led me to listen to the voice of my heart and to fully commit on my energy work. The awakened alchemist. I’m trained as a shamanic therapist. Besides studying the ancient traditions, I have always been very interested in what it really means to be here on earth. ‘Who are we authentically’ and ‘what is really going on around us’? Inspired by Keylontic Science , I explored deeply within myself. That inner observation set a chain of events into motion. And resulted in the study ‘Keylontic Science for Daily Living’, Level I + II + III.

That discovery, about who we authentically are, together with my energy work, makes for a unique combination with which I would like to help and inspire others. Despite the complexity of this topic I use a down to earth method where self-mastery and equivalence is central. If you want to do efficient work to fully become who you authentically are, without all the programs and trauma, then I am the right woman for you.

I look forward meeting you and working with you.