Quatum Activation Meeting

For whom is this meeting?

Do you also feel there is a lot going on, but can’t you find the right words or context?
The way you always used to do things is not fitting any more, but you don’t know what is right for the now?
Do you want to make a shift in your consciousness?
Do you struggle with questions about consciousness, multi-dimensionality etc?
Then the Quantum Activation Meeting is for you.

Why this meeting?
The world as we have always known it is changing rapidly. Consequently the way we approach and solve things is no longer adequate nor sufficient. Our way of thinking and acting needs a major overhaul. 
This time offers beautiful opportunities to occupy our own unique role and position in this new world. No longer should we think and act from our role in the matrix, but become our essential selves.
But what do all these changes mean, and how do we reach our true source? My role is to help you find answers to these and other questions. I will also give you the tools to remember and experience what it means to create based on your own creational powers instead of your programmed personality. Thus your creational powers can be leading for you in occupying your own unique place in the new world.

How will we achieve this?
The ‘Quantum Activation Meeting’ will help you remember how to find the entrance and open up your own unique creational powers. This happens by way of an energy transfer, initiated by me during the meeting, through connection with all participants. Energy will flow in, in the shape of plasma. These light fields of information are also called codes. These light fields will initiate new developments in you, and help you with your awareness process. You will be aligned with your true self, and so you will go back to your original blueprint. Don’t expect a lecture, powerpoint presentation or reading – all will be pure creation in the moment.

What to expect?
What the session will set in motion for you, or how powerful the connection is that you will be able to make with yourself, is different for every individual. We are all unique. Every one of us has their own keys and codes. We will create this experience together during the session, which will take a maximum of three hours. It is very well possible the energy transfer happening in you can be felt for a while after the session. Should you feel the wish or need for a continuation, you can plan an individual session with me or with a new group.

My name is Eva Vosdingh Bessem. Alchemist, Shamanic Healer, Creator. Since a few years I have been successfully helping people on the road to their own potential in this new world. For years I have followed the path of intensive self-healing, study of consciousness and keylontic science. This has opened deep layers within me. Codes of original awareness have been activated in me. My mission is to bundle our original creational powers, so that together we can create a reality in which we can live in harmony with each other, the earth and the cosmos.

For more information contact eva@vosdinghbessem.nl