
Reinforcement of Self

This form of coaching is all about reinforcing the true Self. By reconnecting to your authentic Self, an observation is created from within that can offer a new perspective on themes that occur in your life.

Frequently heard themes are; not being good enough, difficulty expressing boundaries, insecurity, distrust, shame, guilt, failure, separateness, loyalty, victim / perpetrator / saviour, manipulation, sexuality, pain, anger, fear, jealousy, not being heard or seen, safety, abandonment etc.

We also carry a heritage from ancestral lines, stored in our body. Think of war trauma, poverty, hunger, shortages, not being allowed to speak your truth, etc. And larger collective fields like ‘fear’, ‘chaos’, ‘looking for authority outside yourself’ and more we all have to deal with.
By observing this within yourself, we neutralise these fields and disconnect them. This results in clear observation and directly influences daily life and relations.

How does it work?

Each session is unique and takes between one and two hours. We always start with a conversation to determine the most prominent topics for that session, and how that relates to the original wound / core trauma.  We work from ‘autonomy‘, not with other powers outside yourself. I observe with you and guide you through. Energy moves by observation (quantum physics). This makes the work effective through all space and time.
During the session I support the work with energy clearings from the quantum field of creation, for maximum result.

The energy work can have quite strong after effects. It is therefore recommended to have some time for yourself after each journey, for the results of the session to become fully integrated and effective, and for your body and mind to land.

When coaching is required to guide through a difficult episode in your life or other big transformations, it’s also possible to work together in multiple sessions. This also includes support by call or email in between sessions.

Sessions can also by done by phone or through Skype.
Click here for more information on pricing.