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emotional event

Soul Retrieval

150 150 Eva Vosdingh Bessem

What is Soul Retrieval?

When the consciousness has a traumatic experience (for example; a divorce, a violent father, having a physical accident, sexual assault or abuse, a traumatic emotional event, losing a loved one, etc.) a fragment of soul can depart. The traumatised soul fragment will take off in order for the rest of the soul to be able to proceed. It’s a very natural occurrence.

This survival mechanism ensures that the consciousness is not directly exposed to severe pain or trauma. In many cases the wandering soul fragments return spontaneously once the circumstances are safe again. However, if this does not happen, the real problems start. Then we start to feel an imbalance, an emptiness within. Missing soul parts can produce complaints like depression, a feeling of incompleteness, the absence of certain qualities in life, a feeling of being stuck in the past, etc. It’s like trying to drive away in a car without petrol, or cycling with soft tires. Tracing, healing and returning the missing soul parts is very important healing work.

Because in a perfect state of consciousness, we are whole as a being.

Everyone experiences trauma and fragmentation of the soul. And frequently in these hectic, stressful modern times, return of the wandering soul parts does not happen naturally, because we are too busy and out of tune with our own body and soul. So the healing work facilitated by shamanism is vital for the times we live in – in order to become complete human beings again.

While drumming I will track down the missing soul part. I will contact it and let it know it’s now safe to return home. Often the missing soul part has not realised the circumstances have changed. When the soul fragment and it source codes has returned to the energy body, it’s essential to take enough time and awareness for the part to fully integrate. A good way to accomplish this is to make a connection to the returned soul part and ask if it needs anything. You can do this for a few weeks on a daily basis, for example when you wake up in the morning or before going to sleep at night. It often occurs that the missing soul part returns with valuable information, qualities or a strength you always were missing.