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Contracts & agreements

150 150 Eva Vosdingh Bessem

What is meant by ‘contracts & agreements’?

The physical world is a manifestation and reflection of the spiritual world. Basically,  everything you agree with results in a binding spiritual contract. Agreeing with something makes you bound by universal, natural and spiritual laws and is thus under contract. Your convictions are entirely based on what you have learned to believe to be true, and thereby they create your physical reality.

We talk  of an ‘unwanted contract’ if we, consciously or unconsciously, have been manipulated into a conviction that is either not serving our best interest or not in accordance with our Higher Self. We find these contracts in all layers of our multidimensional self.

Statements like; “I vow to be  forever faithful and serving this belief/institute/religion” etc., or “I will take care of you forever / will never love anyone else / will never forgive you” are long times when viewed from eternity.  From a soul perspective you always have been and always will be. Time as we know it here on earth does not really exist in the greater cosmic arena. So there comes a moment when there is not much more to learn from each other. Then it is time for new encounters and experiences. Conflicting contracts can sometimes block the natural flow. In that case people may get stuck in a destructive ‘loop’ with each other. Closure of such a contract is thus desirable.

The same kind of contracts also exist on a soul level with the ‘gods’ outside of yourself.  Here you literally give permission to drain or give away your sovereign power. It is based on duality and not based on equality. The dissolution of this type of contract liberates you from the matrix and brings you closer to who you really are. A sovereign source being.